Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Reputation comes from the company you keep. Agree? Or is it you who determines your self-worth? In today's society, people may quickly judge a person by looking at the people whom one is with. If you think that your flock of friends does tarnish your good image, leaving them might one of the ways you would attempt.
What if those people are actually the one who keep you in a go? Would you bury you discomfort one feet under? Would you give what societies got to say a damn?
To certain extent, it is true though that our companions may influence us greatly. As time passes us by, we would be amazed by how much we have changed; to be very-like-them and so-much-like-the-companion-we-keep.
I am one of those guys who are prettty selective. I do hold to this principle that reputation comes from the company you keep. There is a balance still! I befriended everyone but I limit my time spent with them for one obvious reason. To be accepted in a group of a social circle, it would help a little to talk, to dress up or perhaps to think the way they do. While allowing myself to immerse into their way, a kind of a boundary I must therefore set up bright and clear to remind me o my self-worth.
Believe me. No man is an island though. You and I belong to a league of our own. A league that does keep you going. No use trying too hard to break into a circle that we do not belong to. Trying anything just to fit in would ruin your reputation. Keep to the right one because reputation comes from the companion you keep.

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