Monday, October 5, 2009

Ganyang Malaysia

If I have heart-related problem, which I actually do, I would be passed out so easily today. One ofter another heartbreaking news comes and goes attacking my central nervous system. I was again terrified by the news that Malaysia will be attacked by Indonesia this coming Oct 8th. I cant be more afraid than I am now if the news is true.
"Ganyang Malaysia" is a campaign by Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera). The reason as stated by is due to the "tarian pendet" issue. Can you believe it?

What amused me the most is that we Malaysians seem to take this issue extraordinarily lightly. Most of us are not well-informed of this attack. Why aren't we being put in alert? Why aren't our military force tighten the security? Why isn't this freaky news being highlighted? Why aren't the warning being sent through radio whatsoever? Are we ready for this battle?
However, I am not completely sure as to how they are going to 'ganyang' us. But, I got to read what have they planned on that bloody day. Taken from Here you go..

"Aktivis Bendera, Adian Napitupulu menambahkan, keberangkatan mereka ke Malaysia tanggal 8 Oktober mendatang sudah disiapkan seksama. Pemberangkatan 1500 relawan itu dilakukan dari pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya menuju beberapa titik perbatasan. “Lokasi masuknya rahasia.” kata dia.

Setelah masuk Malaysia, para relawan menurut Adian akan meninjau batas-batas wilayah serta melakukan penggeseran ulang beberapa titik yang diklaim Malaysia. Aksi itu juga akan dibantu tenaga kerja Indonesia yang kini tengah berada disana. “Ada 2 juta TKI di Malaysia. Ini potensi besar yang akan dimanfaatkan,” ujar Adian."


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