Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brotherly conversation

I received a sms from my brother Arthur at 8pm. He said that he wanted to go home. Homesick! Dear, Atur.. Go home then. It costs you only RM80 for return tikcet (Kch-Sbw-Kch). It takes only 8 hours to reach Sibu. If I were you, I would take the next bus home.
Seconds later, he rang my phone. He dropped it before I managed to answer. Hmmm.. My credit was insufficient. Luckily, I was in Bangi and I may get my credit reloaded at 7-11. Soon after that, I called him.
He sounded not really good at the other side. What has gotten into him? I was very curious. He admitted that he can never be more homesick than he is now. So, I advised him to get himself a bus ticket. Money isn't an issue. He has my full back-up. Not that I have lots of money. But, I may help him.
Our conversation shifted from one topic to another. It was a kind of a deep brotherly talk that we have. It was rare I know. Basically because the two of us are of two paraoxical personalities. Apart from our great passion for magnificent food and splendid movies and our genuine affection towards our nieces, we hardly share any other things in common. Maybe 1 or 2 of his songs or a bit here and there. But generally, we are just different in lots of ways. But, hey, my BROTHER is a good guy, ok!
Atur, whatever it is, we are brothers, ok. Nothing wd ever come in between. Even if there is any, nothing would change the fact that I am your elder brother and you are my younger brother. Take care, bro! You know I care about you a hell lots!

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