Thursday, March 11, 2010

I LoVe MorniNg

Any other part of a day feels not as great as morning!!! If you listen attentively, your eardrum will be greeted by the melodic bird chirping or otherwise the disturbing sound of the car engine.. Not so cool though. If you take a deep deep breath, you will feel the purest of air filling in your lung so ever freshly or otherwise you would get choked by the harmful fume. If you got the chance to witness the majestic view of the sunrise, that will definitely be one of the priceless moment that you want to relish forever more. Untainted morning magic always leaves me awestruck.
This one thing that I really, really love is my FULL VIEW in the mirror the instant I jump out of my bed. I look like I have lost hundred of kilos. Funny isn't it, but it is very true. I would make a 360-degree-turn to appreciate this temporary manifestation of my morning, physical glory. My tummy looks extra flat, minus my lifetime-dream six-pack, of course.. Anyway, this stirring image suggested that I need to do work out not anymore. Hahahaha..
Morning is when my hair would look at its best as well. It is a mess but it looks just fine. Wonder why people would go to a professional hairstylist and ask for a wake-up hairstyle? Now, I know every reason behind it..
Morning, I love you!!! Ahahahahahahhaa..


LovelyEyna said...

no wonder you love morning so much... :))

Nana said...

yerdeh...are you in love with morning? or in love with yourself? ahaks...^^

Walt said...

Nanananaananannaananananaaaaaaaaaa??? Hahaahaha... Mek suka morning laaa.. Pagi jak mek dpt tangga rupa mek giya.. Supportive la kit, ho.. LOL

Nana said...

hahahaha~~~ auk bah...go Walter in the morning!! haha