Tuesday, March 9, 2010

FeeLinG tHe StinG & HappY BesdaY PriNCeSs

Aiyooooo.. I feel so week.. Let me recall. I woke up at 0645. Then, I went to the stadium for my morning jog. This time, I have two lovely companions, Nana and Nieza. Anyway, after my exhausting fourth round, I excreted gallons of perspiration that flowed with unbroken continuity. It was 0800 already and I must rush to get myself prepare for my Error Analysis discussion at 1000.

Afraid that I might not last for the entire day, I took 2 sachets of Vico + Seaweed Mushroom Flavoured Cup Noodles + some prawn rolls for my breakast. Looking at my watch, I still had a good 40-minute to read few pages of Dan Brown's famous "The Symbol." I then walked slowly to PTSL. Actually, I was thinking of celebrating my Princess's 24th birthday later today. I was then informed by Yanna and Dya that she will be joining us for lunch. Ina confirmed that later.

Soon after our discussion, I rushed to a bakery at Pusanika to buy 4 slices of 2 different cakes. Though a whole cake would be ideal, so unfortunate that the bakery did not have any. Better than nothing, right? Kim, this birthday celebration of yours may be the simplest but, I hope the dim sum and the cakes would bring you your birthday delight. I know, the cake was nothing compared to Secret Recipe's. And gosh, time really envied us when we were having a great moment. To Robin and Jimmy, makseh for joining our modest birthday celebration.

This is so not grandeur...

It was 2pm and we were waiting for the bus for our next agenda. Drama prac it was. It ended at half past four. Thought I still have the energy to continue jogging. And hahahaha.. I don't. Feeling the sting of my hard labour..

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