Monday, April 20, 2009

Diplomacy.. A skill that we need to master..

Yeah, this is indeed an easy way out for those who obviously refused to be responsible of his or her mistake. Hmmm.. I am just wondering why can't people accept their flaws? Would not it be much better not to live in denial? I do believe that, if one chooses to be honest, whatever the mistake that he or she has unintentionally committed would be forgivable.
There is no need to come out with a hundred and one excuses or make up a properly tailored-story to convince others that the fault isn't yours. So, my advise to this friend of mine would be, just admit it that you did not do what you were supposed to do. And now, when you realised that something has been left unattended along the way, do simply apologize. Believe me, no body would be mad atyou. And in fact, we may work on the solution together..
You are just another human being who is so much like me that full with flaws. However, those slipups may be improved if you are willing too. Do not run away and put the blame on others..
Actually I was frustrated because it appeared to me that he refused to lend me a helping hand. So, I was a bit furious since I was denied help. That's all. If only he appeared to be more diplomatic and more accommodating, I would not feel this bad. Since he is the person in-charge, it wouldn't do him any harm to say, "Let see what can I do about it" instead of "I can't help!" Even though the obvious is nothing much can be done, but, for the sake of public accptance, please do. And yeah, let us unlocked the door to an open negotiation with a good spirit. I welcome that..
At the second thought, maybe I was wrong.. Maybe he did mention about it.. And maybe I was the one who didn't pay attention. Well, I would not hesitate to say sorry. And, guys, let me make it clear tat there is no big fuss that shall be made upon this entry. Let's close this chapter, owrtye?

1 comment:

ash_mirza said...

benar katamu tuan....haha...tak penah ku dgr katanya...haha