Sunday, February 8, 2009

Second chancesss...

As I embarked on the year 2009, it was not a really good beginning. I was challenged. Lots of shortcomings were there that so eagerly wanted to occupy my vulnerable system. I once thought, alright, that was it. I am done. I can't do anything about it. It can't be help. I have had painted a very dark picture of how my tomorrow would be. BLEAK.. An empty entity. Not a day that I wanted to continue my life with. And hell no. I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE!! I am here for a purpose.. And the very first step that I shall take is to just let go..
I thought that I have failed badly as a friend.
I thought that I have been hurt so much that I can hardly forgive,
I thought that the sickening past would haunt me forever,
I thought that I would just give in,
I thought that I have no friend any more.
Not until I finally knew that there is some strength left that I must still fight for the love of all,
Not until I finally realized that we human are imperfect, that we are here to learn and to grow. So, I decided to finally give myself a second chance. Luckily I did otherwise I would be a bitter person.
And I also come to this realization that anyone else around me also very worthy of that second chance. I admit that I have told maybe u that I felt dumb, that I was stupid, that I was foolish to ever award other few with their second chances despite the hurtful and bad things they have ever done, the emotional pain that they have inflicted. It is very true that the second chance that we have given somebody may b abused. Similar offense may be committed again and again. So, do they deserve another chance? Undoubtedly they do. Basically because, you yourself may not aware and realize of how many chances have been given to you. Ever think of that? And I am here today because of the second chancessssss that u have given me. Thank you..
I started to think that I myself am no way the closest match to a Saint or perhaps an Angel to actually label anyone as a bad guy. I possess some of that Satanic and devillish qualities which may have offended or hurt others. So, what right do I have to ignore and punish a person while I myself did the same to others? So, why can't I just let go of everything, move on and cherish and treasure every good moment that I shall find my contentment in or maybe just let my soul to wonder around to look for what have I long lost? Rather than holding grudges that hurts me so much more than to forget and forgive?
At times, we may find that our friends are annoying so much like they do find ourselves annoying too sometimes. So, this time round, I would rather walk away.. Chemistry is something that I could hardly fake. Once I lost it, I would hardly communicate. But, once I have it, surely I would embrace your present.
I should now learn to expect less and give more. I dont want to be broken-hearted anymore. Everything happens with a reason. I may not realize it now. The good thing is, I have grown up. And I have chosen to be approachable and likeable...
I find this quotation interesting. The only supplement to make friend is B1... -The end-

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