Thursday, July 8, 2010


It is a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy which is considered as one of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS in Christianity. Gosh.. Guess I fit these five criterion so well as mentioned by St. Gregory, the Church Doctor.. Hehehehe..

1. Eating before the time of meals in order to satisfy the palate.

2. Seeking delicacies and better quality of food to gratify the "vile sense of taste."

3. Seeking after sauces and seasonings for the enjoyment of the palate.

4. Exceeding the necessary amount of food.

5. Taking food with too much eagerness, even when eating the proper amount, and even if the food is not luxurious.

In short, I shall not be enslaved by my own burning desire for more.. Need to practice temperance..

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