Thursday, January 8, 2009

Walter is now bald

I could not recall how exactly had I come to this life-or-death, a kind of point-of-no-return decision. It popped up in my head so suddenly that the intensity to get it done was immensely high. Without any doubt, I made a few phone calls to ask for my friend's approval. I got few yesses and some nos. I was then hesitant. But, ahh.. I dont care. I would definitely try this new hairdo.. Can it be call a hairdo, anyway?? hahaha..
There I was, inside QQ Cut. I told the hairdresser that I want to have Beckham's as suggested by Kim. She professionally got it done. Then, I insisted that I want my hair to be shorter. She reluctantly followed my order. Instead she was trying her best to convince me that the Beckham's suit me the best. But, I urged her to go for 3. (0 =botak, 1= 0.1mm , 2=o.2mm, hair left, maybe). She was evidently reluctant. I then told her that I have made up my mind, that I was certain and that it is what i want. Still not convinced, she asked me to sit back and give it another consideration. I told her to just get it done. I heard a weak yes from her. She started off with my right half and asked me to look in the mirror. Owh my!!! My eyes were teary and I could only smile. I shrugged and asked her to proceed.. How else then? And now, I am hiding it under my snowcap. Hahahaha...


Robin Wong said...

life-or-death bah...sik lah weeks time ur hair panjang lah balit...huhu...=p

QieYaH said...

again.i totally agree wif robin. it's ok bah. once nya tumbuh, u'll have healthy hair bah. actually, cutting ur hair until bald will make u having healthy hair. chill2.. :D

Dewi Hiu bt. Iskandar Hiu said...

Hentam cromo~~!!!
Hip hop ka grup tak org?
Or rock kapak beb???!!!
Ala Walter...
Take it easy, u're still one of most eligible bachelors...

LovelyEyna said...

mun ktk masih pakei snow cap ktk agik isok, i'm gonna yank it away, i promise ;p