Friday, April 10, 2009

With ado respect, can you just LISTEN?

Mr. S has really annoyed me. I look highly upon him no more. I do really welcome all criticism with a good spirit ONLY IF it is done in a proper manner. Unfortunately, he was not aware of what he was doing. I do not mind to be bombarded with tonnes of questions. But, can you please let me do my explanation first. Shall I get everything clarified first? Can you just SHUT YOUR MOUTH and at least try to LISTEN FIRST??!!! I hated it when he interrupted my presentation unreasonably; assuming he knew what was my next word would be and assuming that I did not have a sort of justification for my work. When he felt that something is wrong somewhere, what harm would it do to at least TRY, try to listen to my rationale?
I do admit that my first part of the presentation was not really well-developed. I have actually failed to bring forth a good argument to support my speaking test. It was also perciptible that I was not able to defend myself well. Fine with that. I would definitely improve on my weaknesses.
But, sir! I, at my capacity as a presenter, I do appreciate it if you have given us a precious one nano-second to get everything clarified before you begin to throw us with your discouraging questions. I am so sorry to say that you have made me look foolish and stupid and incapable and incompetence. So, are you happy with that? I felt insulted.. I really do.
I just do not understand why couldn't you let us present first and carry on with the Q&A after the presentation? Perhaps you were behind time? But, our group do not deserve that kind of treatment. It was just so unfair. You did not allow us to clear your doubt when we have actually prepared an array of explanation though it may not be that appealing. I felt like being condemned!! I felt like I did my work really badly! Seemingly, his impatience made I felt like I didn't put an ounch of effort into my work. Sir, pardon me I do take pride in MY WORK!!
Hmmm.. I do not mind to be corrected. I seriously don't. I am so upset just because he refused to LISTEN FIRST! That's all.


Nana said...

Auk....saya yakin betul walter, saya kunci entry awak ni. Kmk sik suka juak cara nya interrupt. He was trying too hard to intimidate you...

Walt said...

Hmmm.. masih bernanah luka itu, Na.. Tapi, gneila gaya, to certain extent mek stuju dgn sm of his points. Cuma yalah tek.. cara ya maok betol sikit..